Enrolment options

Program of the academic discipline "Legal and financial and economic aspects of management of the educational institution" is compiled in accordance with the educational program of training applicants of higher education of the second (master's) level of higher education in specialties 011 "Education, pedagogical sciences", educational program "Pedagogy and education administration".

The purpose of the educational discipline "Legal and financial and economic aspects of management of educational institution" is the formation of modern managerial thinking and a system of special knowledge and skills in the field of management of financial and economic activities of an educational institution (for organization of planning, accounting and control of the financial and economic activity of the educational institution), provision of higher education students with modern theoretical knowledge regarding legal regulation activities of educational institutions that are at different levels in the structure of education of Ukraine, as well as formation of competencies in them regarding the practical application of current legislation during work in management positions in educational institutions.

The tasks of the academic discipline are: determination of the structure of legislation on issues regulatory framework for education management; functions and powers of subjects state management of educational institutions at the state and territorial levels; basic elements of the legal status of educational institutions of various types and forms of ownership; definition of the main ones provisions of labor, civil, land, budget, tax and other fields of current legislation, which are of decisive importance for effective implementation management functions in relation to educational institutions; definition of types and procedures of legal responsibility of educational institutions, their officials and rank-and-file employees; familiarization with mechanisms of institutional audit, licensing of educational activities and educational accreditation programs; familiarization with the organizational structure of the financial and economic management bodies of the educational institution; mastering planning and control methods using certain types of funds and means of the organization in order to ensure a successful the functioning of the educational institution and its performance of its functions; mastering the theoretical and legal principles of management of educational institutions, in particular, the peculiarities of educational institutions such as subjects of state administration and legal regulation.

The subject of the academic discipline is the organizational and legal principles of the activities of subjects management of educational institutions (in particular, their rights, functions, powers, scope and nature responsibility), planning, accounting and control of the institution's financial and economic activity education; various sectoral legal relations (budgetary, labor, civil law, land and etc.), the participants of which are educational institutions regardless of the sphere of their subordination and form property; separate legal institutions (mandatory law, procurement of goods, works and services under state funds, procedure and conditions of bringing to legal responsibility, etc.).

Self enrolment (Студент)