Enrolment options

The purpose of the discipline

is the formation of the master's ability to model the training of specialists and the organization of the educational process based on student-centered, competence-based, contextual approaches, to manage the educational and cognitive activities of students and professional pedagogical communication.

Content of the educational discipline is covered in the following modules

Content module 1. Forming the content of education: educational and professional program for training specialists

Topic 1. Goals of educational and professional training of specialists

Topic 2. Modeling the professional activity of a specialist.

Topic 3. Modeling of the pedagogical system of educational and professional training of specialists.

Topic 4. Formation of the content of educational and professional training of specialists.

Content module 2. Forming the content of training: information base of educational and professional training of specialists.

Topic 5. Structural and logical scheme of formation of the content of professional training of specialists.

Topic 6. Design goals, content, teaching methods of an academic discipline.

Self enrolment (Студент)