The formation of Ukraine as a European state contributes to the intensive development of partnership and interpersonal relations with representatives of various organizations. Given this, there is a significant increase in the need for professionals who can carry out professional communication in their professional activities. The ability to understand each other in the process of communication, to support a business partner, to resolve a conflict is the key to strengthening cooperation on the basis of universal values. The communicative nature of professional and practical activities of specialists highlights the problem of students gaining experience of interaction with partners. Studying the topics "External and internal image of the future specialist", "Business etiquette and rules of corporate conduct", "Managed conflict and conflict management strategies", "Politeness theory as a basis for professional communication", "Culture of organizing and conducting of business meetings" and others will allow future specialists successfully perform organizational, analytical work in accordance with the norms of professional and business communication and moral and ethical rules.

Purpose of the academic discipline: students learn the theoretical foundations and acquire practical skills of professional and business communication, which are necessary for effective interaction with business partners.