The study of the discipline involves theoretical and practical preparation of students to solve specific tasks in the organization of innovative and logistics entrepreneurship, provides the opportunity to acquire fundamental knowledge of the theoretical foundations of innovative activity and logistics entrepreneurship, skills of implementing innovations in the enterprise, formation, development and motivation of innovative activities, skills of organizing logistics activity and its development.
The thematic plan of the educational discipline and its content by modules and topics are presented. Plans of lectures and laboratory works, material for consolidating knowledge (independent work, control questions), criteria for evaluating students' knowledge, professional competencies that a student must possess after studying the discipline are included.
The subject of the academic discipline is the peculiarities and regularities of the organization of innovative and logistic entrepreneurship in the conditions of the modern economy.
The purpose of the educational discipline: formation of the
necessary competences in the organization of innovative and logistic
entrepreneurship in future specialists
- Лектор: Бєлікова Надія Володимирівна